Personal, Social and Health Education
At Byron Wood Academy we believe that Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) is a crucial part of all our children’s development.
PSHE is taught in class based lessons, including specific RSE lessons, and is developed through assemblies. It focuses on developing children’s respect for themselves and others, increasing self discipline and independence.
As part of our work on developing a healthy and safe life style, children learn about themselves, how their body works, and how to stay healthy. Where appropriate outside agencies e.g. dentist, police, school nurse are invited to talk to the children.
Our Health Education also includes work on medicines and drugs. Younger children learn about safety issues with medicines and older children are as well informed as possible about the dangers of drug abuse and the implications for their health and safety.
Our PSHE Curriculum is always evolving. We take feedback from staff, parents and the children throughout the year, so that we can ensure that we are meeting the needs of the community. We also look at local statistics, including crime rates, communications with the local police and the council Road Safety team.
For the PSHE Curriculum, incorporating RSE, click here: Byron Wood PSHE + RSE Curriculum Map
To learn how the curriculum was devised and adapted for Byron Wood pupils, click here.
To see an example of the Medium Term Planning for PSHE, click here: Example of PSHE Medium Term Planning
For an example of a PSHE lesson, click here: Y3 – What makes a good friend?
To learn specifically about our RSE Curriculum, including the curricula for Y1-6, click here.