All of the work that we do at Byron Wood is focused on the Personal Development of our students. Our children should leave us valuing their education, having high aspirations for their future, and wanting to be a responsible member of their community. This underpins the ethos of the school, and is reflected in our key values of
Excellence for Everyone
through High Expectations, Supportive Challenge, Team Driven
Our expectations throughout the day are made explicit in the following document, ensuring that all children are able to focus on their learning, making the most of their opportunities at school, and are respectful of the needs of others:
Excellent Expectations Booklet
Our Personal Development offer encompasses a wide range of opportunities for learning and experiences. This is bespoke to our school and the needs of our community. We have drawn on guidance on best practice from, amongst others, Sheffield City Council, the Career Development Institute, the PSHE Association. The following document goes into detail about the offer we provide:
Personal Development Approach on a page
As Personal Development informs our approach to the children’s school experience in all areas, further information about our offer can be found in the following pages: